Phone Number 6986076
  • Price Match
  • Confirmation

As a customer, your travel agent is providing this price match service to assure that pricing found on this booking engine is competitive to any other retail public website. Public retail website is considered any travel booking engine that does not require a login account to access private rates, government, or corporate negotiated rates. As a VIP customer you must complete all the required fields on this form to provide an opportunity for our reservation department to verify and compare pricing related to certain type of travel. In the event there is a discrepancy in our travel agency price, compared to a third-party retail public travel booking engine, our travel agency will work to beat or match the competition price. Make sure to read the following terms and conditions related to this service.

1. This service is only related to hotels, cruises, published tours, and car rentals. This service does not apply to airline ticketing, activities, or vacation packages.

2. All mandatory fields must be completed.

3. Must upload a screen shot of the check out page of the competition website showing total with tax and room, cabin, tour, or vehicle type.

4. You must submit the request the same day of the search.

5. Travel dates must be more than 4 calendar days from the date this form is completed and does not apply to same day or within 3 days of travel.

6. Do not book your travel on the competitor website as once you have committed your booking with payment to the competitive website our agency cannot provide this service.

7. Service can take up to 1 to 2 business days (holidays service is not available).

8. In the event our agency can beat or match you will be emailed, or called, to complete the reservation.

9. It is your responsibility to answer the phone and or reply to the email the same day our agency communicates to secure any price as prices are always changing.

10. This offer is voided if you do not reply with 24 hours of the price match service fulfillment process.

11.This service is offered during business hours from 9am to 7pm eastern. Any request sent on the same day, but after hours, will be serviced the following business day.

12. This service currently available to USA resident customers.

Step 1 - Customer Details
Step 2 - Travel Details

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